
Welcome to my personal web site.

I have also consolidated a number of worship related articles and worship songs at my Let Praise Arise! web site.


The best way to cold contact me is through social media such as LinkedIn (for professional contact) or Facebook (for personal contact).  I don’t provide email or phone contact info to avoid spam.


One Person’s Kludge is Another’s Solution

Darcy L. Watkins – September 15, 2024 In engineering, we strive for commoditization of our products, software, etc. We like everything to be orthogonal, configurable and we hate application specific hacks and kludges to our architecturally pure baby. The sales and support people, on the other hand, love it when we come up with “solutions” …

Illogical Logic

There have been times when digital logic doesn’t behave logically. In such cases, you must consider that logic blocks are an abstract model implemented using electrical, substrate physics and even electromagnetic physics processes. This is where you run into hardware errors, even chip errata. Below are a few examples I ran into: And I could …